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Friday, September 2, 2011

happy weekend / new listings in the shop

I finally got around to putting up some new listings! Woohoo! Oddly enough, my most productive time happened shortly after my root canal appointment this morning. Yuck. 

The upside is that this means I don't have to devote my long weekend to Etsy. As much as I love my computer, I need some beach time. 

Yesterday I recruited my sister and husband to help me take some photos. She was such a good model. Even though she ate pizza most of the time. Hey, I only needed her ears so the rest of her was free to do as she pleased. 

I still have a few more items to post and plenty more pictures to go through, but that's enough for one day. Here's to hoping I get that done before classes start at the university next week. Happy long weekend!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

support APW and marriage equality with tote bags!

Okay, first, if you haven't heard of A Practical Wedding, you need to get over there and start reading.  If you're single, married, engaged, divorced, male, female, gay, straight or otherwise, there's something for everybody. Plus, Meg and the APW team rock. 

Second, if you haven't heard of the event they threw recently called Yay New York! (which was a mass reception to celebrate the union of two same-sex couples, Aaron & Cory and Leanne & Anne) you need to read about it here and see the recaps all over APW. 

Finally, if you didn't hear that APW has a limited amount of Yay New York! tote bags available for purchase online, you may want to go here and buy one. Like I did. Because supporting websites like A Practical Wedding and events like Yay New York! bring us a few steps closer to realizing marriage equality throughout the United States. I'm thankful to live in country that allows its citizens to marry whomever they choose (go Canada!) but not everyone has been afforded this right yet. 

Plus, even if my marriage equality speech didn't get to you, the bags are printed with a shiny silver ink so that should convince you. Sparkly. 

So hurry on over because quantities are limited!